Source code for jscc.testing.filesystem

Methods for interacting with or reasoning about the filesystem.

import csv
import json
import os
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from io import StringIO

untracked = {

[docs] def walk(top=None, excluded=('.git', '.ve', '_static', 'build', 'fixtures')): """ Walks a directory tree, and yields tuples consistent of a file path and file name, excluding Git files and third-party files under virtual environment, static, build, and test fixture directories (by default). :param str top: the file path of the directory tree :param tuple exclude: override the directories to exclude """ if not top: top = os.getcwd() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top): for directory in excluded: if directory in dirs: dirs.remove(directory) for name in files: yield os.path.join(root, name), name
[docs] def walk_json_data(patch=None, **kwargs): """ Walks a directory tree, and yields tuples consisting of a file path, file name, text content, and JSON data. Accepts the same keyword arguments as :meth:`jscc.testing.filesystem.walk`. :param function patch: a method that accepts text, and returns modified text. """ for path, name in walk(**kwargs): if path.endswith('.json'): with open(path) as f: text = if text: if patch: text = patch(text) try: yield path, name, text, json.loads(text) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: continue
[docs] def walk_csv_data(**kwargs): """ Walks a directory tree, and yields tuples consisting of a file path, file name, text content, fieldnames, and rows. Accepts the same keyword arguments as :meth:`jscc.testing.filesystem.walk`. """ for path, name in walk(**kwargs): if path.endswith('.csv'): with open(path, newline='') as f: text = reader = csv.DictReader(StringIO(text)) try: fieldnames = reader.fieldnames rows = list(reader) yield (path, name, text, fieldnames, rows) except csv.Error: continue
[docs] def tracked(path): """ Returns whether the path isn't typically untracked in Git repositories. :param str path: a file path """ return not any(fnmatch(part, pattern) for pattern in untracked for part in path.split(os.sep))