Source code for jscc.schema

Methods for interacting with or reasoning about JSON Schema and CSV codelists.
from collections import UserDict
from copy import deepcopy

import json_merge_patch

from jscc.exceptions import DuplicateKeyError
from jscc.testing.util import http_get

[docs] def is_codelist(fieldnames): """ :param list fieldnames: the fieldnames of the CSV :returns: whether the CSV is a codelist :rtype: bool """ # OCDS uses titlecase. BODS uses lowercase. return 'Code' in fieldnames or 'code' in fieldnames
[docs] def is_json_schema(data): """ :param dict data: JSON data :returns: whether the JSON data is a JSON Schema :rtype: bool """ return '$schema' in data or 'definitions' in data or '$defs' in data or 'properties' in data
[docs] def is_json_merge_patch(data): """ :param dict data: JSON data :returns: whether the JSON data is a JSON Merge Patch :rtype: bool """ return '$schema' not in data and ('definitions' in data or '$defs' in data or 'properties' in data)
[docs] def is_array_of_objects(field): """ :param dict field: the field :returns: whether a field is an array of objects :rtype: bool """ return 'array' in field.get('type', []) and any(key in field.get('items', {}) for key in ('$ref', 'properties'))
[docs] def is_missing_property(field, prop): """ :param dict field: the field :param str prop: the property :returns: whether a field's property isn't set, is empty, or is whitespace :rtype: bool """ return prop not in field or not field[prop] and not isinstance(field[prop], (bool, int, float)) or \ isinstance(field[prop], str) and not field[prop].strip()
[docs] def get_types(field): """ Returns a field's "type" as a list. :param dict field: the field :returns: a field's "type" :rtype: list """ if 'type' not in field: return [] if isinstance(field['type'], str): return [field['type']] return field['type']
[docs] def extend_schema(basename, schema, metadata, codelists=None): """ Patches a JSON Schema with an extension's dependencies, recursively. If :code:`codelists` is provided, it will be updated with the codelists from the dependencies. :param str basename: the JSON Schema file's basename :param dict schema: the JSON Schema file's parsed contents :param dict metadata: the extension metadata file's parsed contents :param set codelists: any set :returns: the patched schema :rtype: dict """ def recurse(metadata): urls = metadata.get('dependencies', []) + metadata.get('testDependencies', []) for metadata_url in urls: patch_url = f"{metadata_url.rsplit('/', 1)[0]}/{basename}" metadata = http_get(metadata_url).json() patch = http_get(patch_url).json() if codelists is not None: codelists.update(metadata.get('codelists', [])) json_merge_patch.merge(patched, patch) recurse(metadata) patched = deepcopy(schema) recurse(metadata) return patched
[docs] class RejectingDict(UserDict): """ A ``dict`` that raises an error if a key is set more than once. """ # See def __setitem__(self, k, v): if k in self: raise DuplicateKeyError(k) return super().__setitem__(k, v)
[docs] def rejecting_dict(pairs): """ An ``object_pairs_hook`` method that allows a key to be set at most once. """ # Return the wrapped dict, not the RejectingDict itself, because jsonschema checks the type. return RejectingDict(pairs).data